Face of faces

It's been a while since I last posted, and I still want to post a couple of pictures from our trip to la Costa Brava, but since life doesn't stop just because I stop posting, here is a pretty cool image for you. A face made of faces (among other things). It's Irina's birthday present. It took me 6 years to be able to celebrate her birthday with her, so I wanted to make her something especial.
After collecting all the pictures of, from and by Irina from anywhere I could think of, and spending a couple of hours watching Fernando twick his matlab code, we managed to successfully run his algortihm, which takes a photo of Irina's face and replaces each pixel with one of the pictures in the given directory. The algorithm tries to match pictures to colors in Irina's face, pretty cool! If you've been photographed by Irina, you are probably on her face now :-)
ta, ta
ari, this is sooo cool!
i want fernando to do this for me with nicholas' pictures when i'll come back in pittsburgh for good (in around one year).
hug for me irina and wish her a huge happy birthday (с днем рождения, иринa!!)
baci baci
This is great! i would love to try to do it with Beatriz and Mariana.
Take care.
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Just come right on up and see. ultram. We shall then be able to go phentermine at first to Mrs.. Well, what luck fentanyl to-day, Mr.. Then it burst from his lips: Well, bless me! if I didn't bring Balaam and forgit the mule! thyroid The woman laughed till her eyes ran water.. It is only clindamycin fifteen years since her husband died.. Only now and then have we found in the dream traces of reaction formations, as, for instance, the tenderness oxycodone toward friend R.. The dream process has now terminated the second part of its repeatedly impeded methocarbamol course.. In order to be in a position successfully to change the outer world through the motility, there is required the accumulation of a large sum effexor of experiences in the memory systems as well as a manifold fixation of the relations which are evoked in this memory material by different end-presentations.. There is, firstly, the psychical significance of the dream, its position with regard to the psychical processes, as to a possible biological function; secondly, has the dream a meaning--can sense be made of each single dream as of other mental syntheses? percocet Three tendencies can be observed in the estimation of dreams.. How's that? That morphine is the invariable rule, I believe.. There being vioxx no space left for his address, he put none down.. Gideon stretched out a broad hand and touched her head lightly; and with a tiny gasp her fingers stole up to phentermine his.. The landlord depakote was not in the house, but the yellow gleam of a lantern revealed his presence in the woodshed, and Mr.. When either-or is used in the reproduction of dreams, it is, as I have already mentioned, yasmin to be replaced by and.. But what is it--anything bothering you? Gideon sat gloomily before his mirror. thyroid..
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